UK Woodland Credits

Natures Solution to Climate Change

Invest in the future with nature-based woodland credits that protect and restore our forests. Our woodland credits are more than just an offset; they are a commitment to restoring biodiversity, enhancing natural ecosystems, and locking carbon away for generations. Your  woodland credits combine high impact, high integrity, and ideal cost, making it easy to align your sustainability goals with nature’s own solutions

Key Benefits

  • Carbon Sequestration: Trees naturally capture and store carbon, making woodland credits a reliable offset option.
  • Biodiversity Enhancement: Support habitats and ecosystems through reforestation and conservation efforts.
  • Verified Projects: Our woodland credits are certified for their contribution to both carbon removal and ecosystem restoration.

Medium (100-1,000 years)




Woodland Carbon Code

Verified, trackable and compliant
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Invest in UK Woodlands for Sustainable Impact

Offset your carbon footprint and contribute to biodiversity by funding the growth of native UK woodlands through our woodland credits program.

The Science

Natural Carbon Capture:
Forests play a critical role in absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere, storing it in trees and soil. Reforestation and forest management projects are among the most effective ways to reduce atmospheric CO2.

Ecosystem Services:
Beyond carbon capture, forests provide essential ecosystem services, such as water filtration, habitat for wildlife, and protection against soil erosion.

The Research

Conservation Insights:
Research underscores the importance of forests in global carbon cycles and biodiversity preservation. Effective reforestation projects can sequester significant amounts of CO2 while restoring natural habitats.

Market Dynamics:
The demand for high-integrity woodland credits is rising as companies and individuals seek reliable offsets that also contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem restoration.

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Carma's View

Monitor Progress:
Use your Impact hub to track th e progress of your biochar projects in real-time, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Share Achievements:
Easily share your sustainability milestones with stakeholders through detailed Insights Reports, showcasing your commitment to climate action.

Purchase Woodland Credits

Offset your carbon footprint and support the growth of UK forests by purchasing woodland credits.


Learn more about the impact of UK woodland credits and how your business can make a difference.

How do UK Woodland Credits support environmental and social impact?

The creation of new woodlands helps combat climate change by capturing carbon, improving biodiversity, and enhancing ecosystems. Socially, woodland projects create jobs, support rural economies, and provide recreational spaces that benefit communities. They also offer educational opportunities, raising awareness about sustainability and the importance of nature conservation.

What are the other benefits of UK Woodland Credits?

UK Woodland Credits offer several additional benefits. Woodlands enhance biodiversity by creating habitats for wildlife, improve air quality, and help manage water flow, reducing the risk of flooding. They also contribute to the landscape's beauty and recreational opportunities for local communities, boosting mental health and well-being.

What are UK Woodland Credits?

UK Woodland Credits  are awarded for the creation of new woodlands in the UK, which sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. By planting and maintaining forests, businesses can offset their carbon emissions and contribute to the long-term sustainability of the environment, whilst supporting creating UK forests.

Enquire about Woodland Credits

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